A Thank You to My Almost

At the end of October I met a guy. We were messaging a fair bit, and had a lil coffee date that I refused to accept was a date for a while, because I think it’s safe to say I was a little freaked out by things, and it took me a long time to work out how I really felt about him. But looking back on it, it was a date and I definitely did like him. I definitely liked you.

But anyway, a few weeks in, just when we were trying to arrange our second “date”, you realised you weren’t over your ex. And that’s okay, it really is. And you told me straight-up, which I really respect you for. I’m going to be honest with you, it got to me a bit, but mostly just because of how far I’d come to begin to let you in in the first place. I don’t crush easy, but you were just beginning to break in there. I mean it was only a few weeks, nothing really happened, but you had managed to stir up my feelings just a little bit, which hadn’t happened in a long time.

It sucks that you weren’t ready, but the important thing that you showed me is that I am. Yeah it’s scary, and it’s not going to be easy - I’m scared of things I probably shouldn’t be. But you convinced me that there are other guys out there, and one day I’ll be happier than I ever even thought possible. You relit that fire in me, and I now know there’s more than one person who can do that. Thank you for helping me finally move on and leave the past in the past, and thank you for helping me begin to work past my fears. I hope that one day you’re ready to let someone in, because you really are a great guy and you deserve great things.


P.s. I still listen to that band you like, so thank you for that too :)